Thrust Boring

Thrust Boring Solutions for Utilities Installations

Where digging is impossible thrust boring is the ideal solution for digging under roads, railways, farmyards, lawns, driveways, paths, lanes, buildings and any other area. This method provides for a highly accurate bore right up to the edge of a building and into a small excavation, at which point the thrust boring head can be reversed back out to the original entry excavation, minimising excavation to the exit point.

Thrust boring or sub surface drilling allows you to easily & safely install pipes, pipe casing & drainage beneath an existing surface without disruption. The piping may be large & run under a major road or can simply run under a residential driveway, whatever the job size Aylesbury Mains Ltd can provide professional assistance, advice & expertise.

We are able to provide bore diameters to the following dimensions.


For further information please do contact us and connect with our specialist Team.